Monday 10 December 2018

Grade 4 GIS week ending 14th December

Dear Parents
Thanks to all for sending fantastic eats for our Ugly Sweater lunch on Friday!
There will be no homework set for the holidays.
A reminder that reports will be issued the middle of January.
Rania's last day at GIS will be this friday.  She and her Mom are moving to Spain.  With the cold winter here, living in Sunny Spain is very attractive!  We wish Rania and her Mom all the best for the future and hope to see them soon.
Secret Santa
Grade 4 voted this morning to have Secret Santa in our class this year.  I realise that this is late notice and apologise for that.  Each child has drawn the name of another child in the class.  They need to buy a small token gift for the child who's name they've drawn.  Please don't spend more than 100kr - it's just a token gift!  We'll be handing out the Secret Santa gifts on Friday morning.  Please let me know if your child is leaving before Friday for the holidays.
The Giving Tree
In October this year, many of our students brought in food cans for the Salvation Army.  At the presentation of the food cans to the Salvation Army, they told us that last Christmas they had to send food parcels and children's gifts to over 100 families in Gjøvik.  If the Salavation Army didn't help those families, the children would't have had much of a Christmas.  We'll be giving them all the money we have collected so far during our Spirit Days this school year.  We are asking students to donate a new or gently used toy to the toy drive, or a can of food, to ensure that all children in Gjøvik have a good Christmas. Toys can be dropped off in the boxes provided under our Thankful/Giving  Tree in the entrance way.Please wrap the toy and label it with for a boy or a girl and the approximate age.  The Salvation Army will be coming this Friday morning to collect the donations from GIS.

Happy Holidays
Wishing you all a very happy holiday with your child.  If you are traveling, then please be safe.
Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda