Thursday 14 March 2019

Grade 4 update

Good day!
I apologise for not updating our class blog the past weeks.  Things have just been quite hectic as our drama rehearsals are stepping up.
Here is a link for the Winter Activities Day video I made. Although it is on Youtube, it is unlisted, which means it cannot be seen by the general public and that only people who have specifically been given the link can see it.
We are wrapping up our current unit of inquiry on Persuasion and advertising.  The children are working in groups to create ads which we will film and they will edit on iMovie.
Homework this week is the usual Mathletics and Reading Eggs.  We have moved from data collection to chance and probability in Maths.
A reminder that our big drama production will be at 5.30pm at Gjøvik Hallen on Thursday 11th April.  Tickets will be sold from Monday 25th March and will cost 10 krone each.  This is just to give us an idea of how many chairs we need to put out.
Have a great day!
Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda

Monday 10 December 2018

Grade 4 GIS week ending 14th December

Dear Parents
Thanks to all for sending fantastic eats for our Ugly Sweater lunch on Friday!
There will be no homework set for the holidays.
A reminder that reports will be issued the middle of January.
Rania's last day at GIS will be this friday.  She and her Mom are moving to Spain.  With the cold winter here, living in Sunny Spain is very attractive!  We wish Rania and her Mom all the best for the future and hope to see them soon.
Secret Santa
Grade 4 voted this morning to have Secret Santa in our class this year.  I realise that this is late notice and apologise for that.  Each child has drawn the name of another child in the class.  They need to buy a small token gift for the child who's name they've drawn.  Please don't spend more than 100kr - it's just a token gift!  We'll be handing out the Secret Santa gifts on Friday morning.  Please let me know if your child is leaving before Friday for the holidays.
The Giving Tree
In October this year, many of our students brought in food cans for the Salvation Army.  At the presentation of the food cans to the Salvation Army, they told us that last Christmas they had to send food parcels and children's gifts to over 100 families in Gjøvik.  If the Salavation Army didn't help those families, the children would't have had much of a Christmas.  We'll be giving them all the money we have collected so far during our Spirit Days this school year.  We are asking students to donate a new or gently used toy to the toy drive, or a can of food, to ensure that all children in Gjøvik have a good Christmas. Toys can be dropped off in the boxes provided under our Thankful/Giving  Tree in the entrance way.Please wrap the toy and label it with for a boy or a girl and the approximate age.  The Salvation Army will be coming this Friday morning to collect the donations from GIS.

Happy Holidays
Wishing you all a very happy holiday with your child.  If you are traveling, then please be safe.
Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda

Tuesday 27 November 2018

GIS Grade 4 week of 26th November

Dear Parents
Thank you so much for your support!  Our Entrepreneur's Day was a huge success and we are hoping to make it an annual event.  I have included some photos of the day in this blog post.
The children have been working very hard on their final taks for this unit of inquiry which we'll be completing this week.
Next week we'll be starting a new unit of inquiry called the Lucky Planet.  Basically, we'll be looking at why Earth is habitable and other planets are not.  Besides looking at the solar system and how it works, we'll also be looking at climate change and what we might be doing to make Earth uninhabitable in the future.
Homework will consist of writing practice sheets, Norwegian, Mathletics and Reading Eggs.
Have a great week!
Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda

Monday 19 November 2018

GIS Grade 4 week starting 19 November 2018

Dear Parents
We had a great week last week.  Our trip to Oslo was a great success!  Our students behaved with respect and represented our school well.  The guide at the Kon-tiki museum said she'd never seen children so engaged and who ask so many questions!  We took that as a compliment.  Photos from the trip are at the end of this blog post.
We've introduced our summative assessment task.  It is quite a big one as each child had to come up with a guiding question that they'll research.  They will be presenting their research in an information report.
In Maths we have been looking at Multiplication and Division word sums, how to identify a possible red herring in the question, and the steps you need to take to solve the problem.
Homework this week is on Mathletics and Reading Eggs.  I'll also be sending home some cursive writing practice sheets.
A reminder that this Thursday is Entrepreneurs Day.  For 10kr children can set up a stall and sell things they have made, baked goodies or second hand items.  They can also offer a service like face-painting etc, or sell turns to play a game.  Please support your child in their entrepreneur efforts as they learn how to run a business.  It will start at 12 and end at 2.  You are welcome to attend and buy items from our young business owners.  Grade 1 and 3 will be selling baked goods and craft items they made this Friday at lunch break.  Please send money with your child to support them, or your child can spend their profits from Thursday!  They will also need some spending money if they wish to buy from other stalls on Thursday.
Have a great week ahead!
Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda

Tuesday 6 November 2018

GIS Grade 4 Week 5 November 2018

Dear Parents
We've been very busy with our unit of inquiry on Exploration.  I've put in some photos of the Grade 4 class doing their own exploration and playing in the playground.  We were so impressed with the action they showed.  Even though picking up litter was not something we had considered, one of the children noticed an old plastic bottle lying amongst the leaves and picked it up, saying that we shouldn't just explore the environment, we should protect it and then he indicated he would be taking it back to school to dispose of in the dumpster.  The rest of the class noticed this, and without any adult saying anything, they all decided to pick up litter as we made our way back to school.  That is exactly what we mean by Taking Action in the PYP!
Thanks so much to the parents who came to support us for our assembly!  We worked in groups to explore Garageband, and wrote our own lyrics for Explorer songs.  The children put in a lot of effort and worked together collaboratively.  They proved to be exceptional risk-takers.  It's not easy standing up in front of an audience and singing a song you composed yourself.
This week we'll be working with long division.  Please continue to help your child memorise their multiplication tables.
We would like to send the big mixed media portraits home.  However, if we send it home with your child it may get damaged.  These portraits are really good and would look stunning framed and displayed on the wall in your home.  If you are at school, please come and collect your child's artwork
Entrepeneurs Day on Thursday 22 November at 12h00.  This is optional.  We are encouraging our students to set up their own business on this day.  They will be charged 10kr a stall which will go to a charity.  Any profit they make is theirs to keep.  They can sell something they have made, books , games or toys they no longer want, cupcakes, christmas gifts - basically anything that people will want to buy.  They can use some of their profits to buy from other stalls.  Please discuss this with your child and help them come up with realistic ideas for their business.  If they are participating on this day, then note the school day will be longer for them.
Next week we'll be doing a school trip to OSLO!  The trip will be on Wednesday 14th November.  We'll be going with the Grade 5 class and will be traveling by bus.  We would like to leave promptly at 8.15am, so would be grateful if you can make sure your child comes to school early on that day.  Please pack in snack and lunch as usual, as we'll make time to eat that on our trip.  We should be back by 3pm, traffic permitting.  We'll be going to the Kon-tiki museum and the Amundsen museum.
Homework this week will be on Mathletics and Reading Eggs as usual.
Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda

Tuesday 23 October 2018

GIS Grade 4 week starting 22 October 2018

Dear Parents
This week's homework will once again be on Reading Eggs and Mathletics.
Please assist your child by helping them memorise their multiplication times tables.

Thank you to all parents who sent in canned food for our Food Dive on World Food Day last week.  These will be given to representatives from Fountain House and the Salvation Army this Wednesday 24 October at 1pm, in a special assembly.  A reporter from the local newspaper will be there to capture the event.
Just a reminder that it would be great if your child could dress in the colours of their national flag for UN Day 24th October!

A reminder that there will be a parents' coffee morning this Wednesday 24th October at 8.30am for PYP parents.  You are welcome to bring along a friend who might be interested in finding out more about our school.  The MYP coffee morning will follow the PYP coffee morning.

We have been incorporating our Art into our units of inquiry.  Many of you saw our large religious icons we created in our unit on Belief Systems.  In our unit on Explorers, we explored water colours as a background and experimented with picture transfer.  Some of the results were quite stunning.  We are currently looking at Picasso as an art explorer and are trying to make cubist paintings using oil pastels.

On the 5th November, we'll be hosting the PYP assembly at 2.20pm.  We'll be presenting the rap songs about Explorers that we wrote to music we composed on Garage Band.  All parents are welcome to come and watch our assembly.

Working on our religious icons.

And some of the finished products.

Some of our explorations into water colour and picture transfer.

Working on GarageBand to compose the music for our Explorer Rap Songs.