Wednesday 22 August 2018

Welcome to Grade 4

Dear Parents and Students,

Greetings and welcome to Grade 4! We hope you have had a wonderful summer holiday and are excited to come back to school.

As you know, school starts on Monday 20 August.   The Grade 4 Team consists of Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda, plus the specialist teachers.  We are all looking forward to continuing your learning journey with you.

Our first unit of inquiry this year is in the Transdisciplinary theme of Who we are. Our inquiry will be into personal belief systems and how they influence our behaviour. In each of our six units, we will develop Approaches to Learning skills such as critical thinking, time management, research, cooperation, and communication. We shall also be working on developing independence to start preparing for the MYP in a few years’ time.

You can help your child have a successful year by:
• Letting me know if there are any special concerns or needs regarding your child.
• Making sure your student is well rested and nourished when he or she arrives at school.
• Talking about school in a positive manner. Be interested in what your child is doing.
• Helping your child set up a successful reading routine, aiming for 30 minutes a night.

Our schedule for the week is below.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Thursday 23 August - Meet the Teacher Night

We look forward to not only working with your child this year, but with you as well.
Please do not hesitate to contact either Mr Wanda or Miss Cindy with any questions or concerns.


Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda
Your Grade 4 Teaching Team