Tuesday 23 October 2018

GIS Grade 4 week starting 22 October 2018

Dear Parents
This week's homework will once again be on Reading Eggs and Mathletics.
Please assist your child by helping them memorise their multiplication times tables.

Thank you to all parents who sent in canned food for our Food Dive on World Food Day last week.  These will be given to representatives from Fountain House and the Salvation Army this Wednesday 24 October at 1pm, in a special assembly.  A reporter from the local newspaper will be there to capture the event.
Just a reminder that it would be great if your child could dress in the colours of their national flag for UN Day 24th October!

A reminder that there will be a parents' coffee morning this Wednesday 24th October at 8.30am for PYP parents.  You are welcome to bring along a friend who might be interested in finding out more about our school.  The MYP coffee morning will follow the PYP coffee morning.

We have been incorporating our Art into our units of inquiry.  Many of you saw our large religious icons we created in our unit on Belief Systems.  In our unit on Explorers, we explored water colours as a background and experimented with picture transfer.  Some of the results were quite stunning.  We are currently looking at Picasso as an art explorer and are trying to make cubist paintings using oil pastels.

On the 5th November, we'll be hosting the PYP assembly at 2.20pm.  We'll be presenting the rap songs about Explorers that we wrote to music we composed on Garage Band.  All parents are welcome to come and watch our assembly.

Working on our religious icons.

And some of the finished products.

Some of our explorations into water colour and picture transfer.

Working on GarageBand to compose the music for our Explorer Rap Songs.

Sunday 14 October 2018

Grade 4 week starting 15 October 2018

Dear Parents
Hope you had a fantastic holiday and are ready for the new term.
This week's homework is on Mathletics and Reading Eggs.
We have started our new unit of inquiry on how exploration contributes to change.  In Norwegian class, your child will be learning about some famous Norwegian explorers.  We'll be focusing on the changes exploration brought, rather than the explorers themselves, the different perspectives involved and the effect on the indigenous population.
We have some exciting events coming up this month.
World Food Day
World Food Day is on the 16th October.  We invite you to send in a can of food with your child on the 16th October.  All cans collected will be donated to a local charity.
UN Day
We shall be having a special assembly for UN Day where we shall be highlighting the United Nations and what it does and what it means to be a global citizen.  We'd like your child to wear the colours of their national flag for UN Day.
We'll also be holding a coffee morning for all parents and any possibly interested parents at the start of school.  We'll be giving a short presentation about the PYP and how it benefits your child's learning.  You are invited to bring a friend along.
Your child may come to school dressed in fancy dress on the 31st October.  While we realise that many do not support Halloween, children love an opportunity to dress in costumes and fancy dress and that will be our focus, rather than what Halloween actually represents.  The student council are planning a fundraising activity, and there will be more on this in the next blog post.
Kind regards,
Miss Cindy and Mr Wanda